Some time it is not easy to determine if you need a business insurance or not, specially when you own a small business. Don't worry you are not alone, we have helped more than 100's of business who were not able to decide why they need insurance and how they can determine.

You can simply answer five simple questions or use our quick checkup tool to know if you need insurance or not. To use our quick insurance checkup tool, click here.
Do you have Clients who visit in person for products\Services\trades your business offer?
Is your business makes, sells or distribute products?
Do you use any equipment\tools for your business?
Do you have employees, contractors or sub-contractors?
Do you serve clients on-site for products\services\trades?
That's it, very simple isn't? Basically if any of your question above is "Yes", you need Insurance. It depends upon your business operations, scale and size to determine what kind of insurance you need, but basic insurance for business called Commercial General Liability or "CGL" is must to start with. Call us now: 780 490 0053 and will assist you.