Cyber Crime is growing at an exponential rate. The World Economic Forum listed Data Fraud or Theft, and Cyber attacks as the top Technology Risk globally at their World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in January 2020.
Whether you are a Solopreneur or Multinational Corporations, Cyber Criminals are working 24/7 to find creative ways to generate revenue from your valuable data and systems.
A Cyber attack can easily cost a company tens of thousands of dollars as well as reputation-al damage that is a challenge to manage.
Alliance Insurance Brokers is taking a proactive approach to dealing with Cyber Risk with Cyber Ready Assessments and a range of Insurance solutions and partners to help you prevent, manage and fund the cost of Cyber Attack.
Source:Travelers Canada
Call us today to evaluate your cyber risk. We are expert with more than 20+ years of Technology experience blended with Insurance industry experience. We can Assess your business cyber risk and provide you proper professional advise and insurance needed for your business.